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The work we do makes waves.

The work we are doing, we are not doing alone. There are many organizations, groups, and individuals who are making waves in the policies and practices that help protect nibi. We have listed below some of the groups that are taking action and supporting our collective responsibility to honour water.

TPU Logo

Guided by Manito Aki Inakonigaawin, and recognizing the significance of Treaty #3’s connection to the land, the Territorial Planning Unit works with Treaty #3 Leadership to protect the lands, waters, and resources within the 55,000 square miles that make up the Treaty #3 Territory.

Drawn from the need to improve water governance in the north, Decolonizing Water is working to develop an Indigenous-led, community-based water monitoring initiative rooted in Indigenous laws.

This Decolonizing Water project shares teachings from Indigenous community members and scholars that work tirelessly to protect and honour water.

Educating Canadians on Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and building capacity to support Indigenous leadership as they navigate reconciliation, protect diverse biology and culture, reconnect people with their environement.


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Help us build the portal and teach others about your relationship to nibi posting your work online.

The Nibi Portal has a submission tool built into it right here, where you can submit your songs, stories, artwork, and more. You can also submit work to us directly by emailing it to

The Nibi Declaration Toolkit lists a number of groups and organizations that have created their own water declarations. These initiatives all help us in our commitment to protect nibi.

Examples provided are the Kichenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Water Declaration, the First Nations National Water Declaration, the Chiefs of Ontario Water Declaration, the Great Lakes Commons Charter Declaration, the Garma International Indigenous Water Declaration, and the Lake Erie Bill of Rights.

Click here to view the toolkit and learn more.

Anishinaabe have been responsible for the care of the aki and nibi since time immemorial.

It is important that we continue to learn about the different initiatives we can join, actions we can take, and literature we can read to support the protection of nibi. There are countless individuals and organizations that are leading the way and providing guidance for those who are just finding their footing.

The Nibi Declaration toolkit here provides links to online resources and information, as well as to the experiences of individuals who have dedicated parts of their life to caring for nibi.

The Grand Council Treaty #3 Women’s Council suggested that there should be a Treaty #3 Nibi Declaration to ensure that Treaty #3 Anishinaabe Nibi Inaakonigewin (water law principles) are recorded and formally recognized in governance processes. The declaration was developed by the GCT3 Women’s Council in partnership with the Territorial Planning Unit, supported by a research team. Documents and meeting notes from Manito Aki Inakonigaawin, taken at an Elder’s Gathering in Black Bear in 2018, were used to draft numerous versions of the declaration. At the meeting in October 2018, a draft Nibi Declaration of the Anishinaabe of Treaty #3 was agreed upon and it was later presented in ceremony and feasted on November 18, 2018.

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