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Nibi Declaration of Treaty #3

This Nibi Declaration is about respect, love, and our sacred relationship with nibi and the life that it brings. It is based on Gitiizii m-naanik teachings about nibi, aki/lands, other elements (including air and wind) and all of creation. This knowledge will be preserved and shared through the declaration with our youth and future generations. Anishinaabe-Ikwewag have a sacred responsibility to nibi and should be included in all decision-making around nibi. This declaration will guide us in our relationship with nibi so we can take action individually, in our communities and as a nation to help ensure healthy, living nibi for all of creation.

Nibi Nagamoonan: Water Songs

Decolonizing Water and Grand Council Treaty #3 are excited to present the Water Songs video, which shares a glimpse into the knowledge and songs that were exchanged throughout the project.
The nibi nagamoonan: water songs project brought together Anishinaabe grandmothers and youth from Treaty 3 territory to engage in the sharing and exchange of sacred traditional knowledge on nibi nagamoonan (water songs).

Show your support, stand behind the Declaration

Drop a pin on the map to show your support & stand with the Declaration.


Guides of the Nibi Portal

The Nibi Portal is an online space imagined and brought to life by the Women’s Council of Treaty #3, the Territorial Planning Unit of Grand Council Treaty #3, and Decolonizing Water. Treaty #3 territory is made up of resource rich lands, attracting development and activities that impact our water and the relationships we have with it. Based in the values expressed by the Nibi Declaration, this portal hopes to share knowledge, inspire action, and protect nibi.

Treaty #3 Women’s Council

The Women’s Council is an important extension of Grand Council Treaty #3, organizing and leading initiatives that center around Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, child care, water, and more. Priscilla Simard, Mona Gordon, and Anita Collins have all contributed to the Nibi Declaration, and supported the creation of this portal. They have had immense support from Isobel White, Maggie Petiquan, Rhonda Fischer, and all the women who helped lay the stepping stones for the Nibi Declaration.

The Territorial Planning Unit

The Territorial Planning Unit plays an important role in the protection of the Nation’s resources, including water. Together with Treaty #3 Leadership, and guided by Manito Aki Inakonigaawin, they protect and help manage the 55,000 square miles that make up the Treaty #3 Territory. 

Decolonizing Water

Decolonizing Water uses interdisciplinary and Indigenous-led research to support and improve water governance in the North. Their team of scholars, community members, and changemakers are working on water monitoring programs that are rooted in Indigenous laws and work to enhance water protections.

Exploring the Portal

Our Stories

A space for sharing and learning about our unique experiences with nibi. It reflects both our similarities and our differences as people.

Our Teachings

A collection of resources and teachings that provide an educational space to share the importance of nibi and understand water governance.

Our Artists

Art from our Nation. Explore visual art, photography, videography, and more. Submit your art here to be featured on the portal!

Our Voices

Connect with us, or with like-minded individuals and organizations. The more we share, the better we can protect nibi.

© 2021 Nibi Portal. All rights Reserved.